Holistic Marketing Mix Modeling

Marketing optimization platform that links marketing investments transparently to sales growth. Increase your ROI and make decisions faster and easier with the AI-driven key business insights.

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Quote of John Wanamaker

Increase media-driven sales

“Because of the Blackwood Seven model and the optimizations we're running, we have been able to optimize our future media mix to improve our return on investment to incremental revenue by at least 20%.”
Liam's portrait 2
Liam Loan-Lack

Improve Marketing-ROI with AI optimized media plans

Track your investment from online to offline from topline to bottomline

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Optimize marketing and media plans in real time by employing Hamilton AI as a new marketing colleague. We guarantee a significant business uplift from paid media investments when following the platform recommendations.

The Hamilton AI platform analyzes, optimizes and predicts the business outcome of your marketing spend. This is done at the very granular media publisher  level and not per channel. Just like the analysis is performed following the entire customer journey, both online and offline!

Be empowered with actionable insights


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The Platform will give you an easy overview of the sales impact for any given media plan. Or if you wish to know the optimal media spend allocation to achieve a set sales target – that is also possible. 

With Hamilton AI you will be able to not only separate media effects on sales but also effects from a whole range of other important variables such as interest rates, pricing and PR, other products, distribution, competitive activity, the weather and even COVID-19 trends.

A new approach to Marketing Attribution and Media Optimization

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There are two fundamentally differentiated approaches deployed in marketing attribution methodologies around the globe. The first is the top-down population-based approach, and the second is the bottom-up approach. Unfortunately, these marketing attribution methods are now outdated or becoming obsolete, like Marketing Mix Models based on econometric regression models or Multi-Touch Attribution using cookie data.

The typical Marketing Mix Models are either not granular or digital enough to determine the effect of digital marketing channels. While Multi-Touch Attribution has become more widespread, it is also compromised as Big Tech increasingly abandons third-party cookies.

With Hamilton AI, we have developed a new generation of unified measurement models without the disadvantages of the previous models.

Predict and optimize your combined marketing efforts.


Take a maturity test and assess if your marketing department is mature enough to implement holistic marketing measurement.


Learn about the different types of models and assess how they can improve your business through our customer success stories.


Take full advantage of having actionable business insights and learn more about the intuitive Blackwood Seven platform and all of its capabilities.

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