There are multiple use cases for Hamilton AI
Check out our latest use cases and projects and join the most innovative companies that choose Blackwood Seven. Empower your marketing teams and measure and optimize the effectiveness of each of your marketing channels in terms of marketing Return On Investment (MROI).
Hamilton AI takes marketing effectiveness to the next level
AI-driven marketing analytics and optimization solution powered by the Hamilton AI platform can be applied for several purposes. The most obvious is linking Marketing to Sales and documenting the specific sales contributions of various marketing investments across channels and at each and every touchpoint along the customer journey. These insights make it possible to select a more effective marketing and media strategy by letting the Hamilton AI predict and optimize the outcome.

How modeling PR can help acquire new customers and prevent them from leaving
Many companies struggle with determining the true effects of Public Relations. Companies are aware that PR has an effect on sales, but quantifying to what extent PR matters, potential pitfalls and the advantages of utilising PR can be hard to determine without the proper knowledge. Luckily HamiltonAI can help alleviate these uncertainties, and enable companies
What is Marketing Mix Modeling?
There was a time when we considered traditional marketing practices and the successes or failures they yield as an art form. With mysterious, untraceable results, marketing efforts lacked transparency and were widely regarded as being born out of the creative talents of star marketing professionals. As the world of digital marketing has exploded, it changed

The balance between brand marketing vs. performance marketing
Marketers often face a dilemma: how to split the available budget between conversion-focused campaigns and brand-building ones? This ratio has to continually flex in response to customer needs, demand, and many other external factors. The pandemic is a perfect example of how brands needed to adapt their marketing strategies in response to major societal change.

Synergy models – Getting more than you bargained for
Consumers live in a world of simultaneous media usage. They watch television while they surf online. They listen to the radio while they read the newspaper. They page through a magazine while they stream music. Companies that have understood these behavioral patterns and built synergistic campaigns across different media are already ahead, but can they

Moving digital marketing in-house requires an upgrade in analytics capability
An increasing number of brands are looking to in-house marketing activities, especially the planning and buying of digital advertising. This was a clear trend before Covid-19 but has grown even more in popularity since the crisis when marketers’ world was turned upside down. Teams scrambled to adjust their advertising messages, campaigns, and offers. Meanwhile, media

The Next Generation of Marketing Mix Modeling is Bayesian!
Just as making marketing decisions purely on intuition is not a wise strategy, basing them only on naive data analysis is equally bad. Kantar’s Unified Marketing Measurement and Optimization Hamilton AI marketing attribution model offers a superior combination between domain knowledge – the beliefs that you already have about how your marketing works – and new information